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Whether it’s an obsession or good traits to possess, I’m a list-maker, planner and an obsessive goal-setter. It’s what has really kept me going during this time of pandemic and frankly, has been keeping me sane.

Because of that, I’ve arguably spent a lot of time hitting my task list and goal planner hard to achieve the goals I established at the beginning of the year and get shit done. Two of those things became a reality this month.

First off, I’m excited to share that I created new video content for my YouTube channel. I’ve rebranded my channel with new images, slogan/tagline, and a new focus – to create video segments about my books, my favorite reads, and interviews with other indie authors. I’m so excited about this new venture and with it I’ve included a new giveaway.

Go to my BookTube channel and check out Episode #1! Then post a comment to enter into my gift card giveaway – but hurry – it closes on May 22nd.

The second goal I’ve tackled is I’ve curated a group of 15 indie contemporary new adult authors (well, technically 14 including myself), and created a brand new shared-world series called All American Boy. This series will all be standalone books with some cross-over shared world content and the books will be released starting in late January 2021.

I’m so excited to announce this list of authors, as well as the giveaway you can enter to win a $10 gift card.

All American Boy authors:

Sierra Hill

Renee Harless

Evan Grace

Leslie McAdam

Stephanie Kay

Stephanie Browning

Remy Blake

Marika Ray

KL Humphreys

SL Sterling

Poppy Parkes

Kimberly Readnour

Nicole Richard

Emily Robertson

Kaylee Ryan and Lacey Black

To enter, just join #LIKE our Facebook page (where you can learn all about the upcoming books in the series) and then complete the raffle form!

A winner will be announced on May 29th!

So that’s what I’ve been up to this month so far. It’s kept me very busy and my brain occupied with all sorts of forward-looking things, so I can keep my mind off of the current pandemic crisis.

More to come soon!

Be Sweet. Love Hard. Read Dirty.



This past week I had the blurb and cover reveal for my upcoming book that will be included in the Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s Cocky Hero Club shared world. Stuck-Up Big Shot is a standalone book set in the world of Stuck-Up Suit.

I couldn’t be more excited about this! Not only do I get to work with the genius that is the writing duo of Vi and Penelope (have you read their books? AH-MAZING!) but I’m also in a collective author group with hundreds of other wonderfully talented authors. Some I’m even blessed to call my friends: Samantha Lind, Leesa Bow, Stacey Marie Brown, Sienna Snow, Laura Baird, Kelsie Ray, Evan Grace, Dakota Willink and so many more!

My book is currently with my editor and then will be sent to the publisher to review. Once it’s approved, I’ll be given a release date, which will likely be this fall – I’m hoping for a September release. And guess what else? It will be released in ebook, print AND audiobook all at once!

This book is fun, angsty, emotional and of course, full of steam. It features a lot of Graham Morgan from Stuck-Up Suit, who is friends and neighbors with my main male character, Miles. It also stars Blackie, Graham’s white West Highland Terrier.

Here’s the blurb. I’d love to hear what you think! Post a comment or shoot me a message.

Until next time, Be Sweet, Love Hard & Read Dirty. Xoxo, Sierra

Stuck-Up Big Shot blurb: The last thing I expected on the first day of my dog sitting job was a middle-of-the-night fire alarm.

Things go from chaotic to scorching hot when I run into my old crush, Miles Thatcher, on my way out of the building.

Talk about disastrous timing. I haven’t seen him in years – five to be exact. Since the day we buried his sister – my best friend. That was both the best and worst day of my life. It was also the day Miles kissed me – and promptly forgot about me.

Some things never change. He still has no clue who I am.

Miles is no longer the boy I fell in love with.

Now he’s just a stuck-up big shot with a big bank account and bigger ego.

I wish I didn’t still have feelings for him but seeing him again only makes me want him more.

If only Miles would finally ‘see’ me.

A lot can happen over five years, but time hasn’t erased the guilt he carries.

Underneath his fancy façade is a man who can’t get over the grief of losing his baby sister... or the regret of not being able to prevent it.

And I’m just the girl who can’t get over him.


Change in Strategy, the second standalone book in the Change of Hearts series is NOW LIVE. Funny to think that this series is all about the people that change our lives and the way we think and live, and love, and we’re in the midst of necessary changes in our real lives right now.

These are scary times, there is no doubt. But panic leads to stress, which leads to illness, both mental and physical, and depression. We have to keep ourselves lifted and find coping mechanisms that work for us to get through this together (at a safe distance, of course).

I admit, I’ve felt that same surge of panic creep into my life as the rest of the world. So, here are some things I’m doing to stave off depression and anxiety:

1. Limiting my time on social media

2. Moving around – staying physically active (walks, dancing, strength conditioning and yoga)

3. Turning off the TV and playing games with my spouse (we’ve had “happy hour” every evening around 4pm and play cribbage and Sequence, two of my favorite games)

4. READING – I’ve read three books in the last two weeks (which is a lot for me, although I haven’t written much the past 10 days, but that’s normal during a release month)

What are some things you’re doing?

I’d love for you to read my latest book, Change in Strategy. Here are some early reviews of Peyton and Brody’s office romance story.


“I love how very real Sierra’s characters are. They face issues that we all deal with and can easily identify with, but more than anything they are characters who just want to be loved for who they are and that’s something I think we all have felt!” – Trish, Words We Love By blog


“Sierra Hill is an amazing author who creates storylines that intrigue us and capture our attention, and characters that pull on our heart strings, who we will never forget.” – Lisa, Goodreads reviewer


“This story is a must-read office romance, I could not put it down.” – Cristina, Goodreads reviewer


“LOVED! Wow! I was sucked into this book from the very beginning - I could not put this one down!” - Messy Bun Book Blog

Purchase NOW for the prerelease price of $1.99



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