Happy 2019, readers! I hope the start of this new year marked a promise of hope, joy and good things to come over the next 365 days.
I absolutely love the month of January and all the excitement that it brings with all the new goals and plans we make for ourselves. For me specifically, that comes in the form of new book projects. And this year is off to a great start with my upcoming #ResolutionPact collaboration.
Releasing Tuesday January 15th is a collection of 15 short stories in the #ResolutionPact. These stories are all standalones, written and published separately by some amazing author friends.
My contribution to this series is Resolution: Road Trip. It’s about a young woman in her mid-twenties who makes a resolution to be more daring in life and break out of the rut she’s been in since college graduation.
Here’s the blurb for Resolution: Road Trip and the links to all the other books in this collection.
Cheers to a New Year filled with exciting possibilities!
Xoxo, Sierra
Resolution: Road Trip (A Resolution Pact short story)
Amazon KU: books2read.com/u/49DrgX
I was stuck in a dead-end job, with a creep of a boss and in the midst of a quarter-life crisis. So, when members of my former sorority initiated a resolution pact for the new year, I jumped right on that.
My resolution was to break out of the shackles of my boring and safe life and do something bold and daring. But I had no idea how to do that…until he came along.
As luck would have it, Nathaniel Leeds, a brilliant research scientist, was looking for a temporary assistant to help him collect and document data. The job itself didn’t sound all that exciting to me until I learned that it would involve a road trip.
And then I met my new boss.
And Lord help me, my handsome, Brainiac boss made me hotter than the jungles of Costa Rica.
If I can survive this road trip with my heart intact, I’m resolving never to make another resolution for as long as I live.
Resolution: Baby Batter by Frankie Love http://smarturl.it/BabyBatter19
Resolution: Baby Fever by Kim Loraine http://smarturl.it/BabyFever
Resolution: Bad Girl by Angel Devlin http://smarturl.it/BadGirl19
Resolution: Double Dare by Dee Ellis http://smarturl.it/DoubleDare19
Resolution: Eating In by Tessa Blake http://smarturl.it/EatingIn
Resolution: Exposure by Tracy Lorraine http://smarturl.it/Exposure19
Resolution: First Kiss by Kelli Callahan http://smarturl.it/FirstKiss19
Resolution: Free Fall by Fiona Starr http://smarturl.it/FreeFall19
Resolution: G String by Olivia Hawthorne http://smarturl.it/GString
Resolution: Good Text by Deana Farrady http://smarturl.it/GoodText
Resolution: Rock Out by Alexis Adaire http://smarturl.it/RockOut19
Resolution: Snow Job by Laney Powell http://smarturl.it/SnowJob
Resolution: Take Off by Dori Lavelle http://smarturl.it/TakeOff19
Resolution: Wanderlust by Rebecca Gallo http://smarturl.it/Wanderlust19